Year: 2023

Don’t believe everything on the internet.

 Welcome to my blog post. 

hi my name is Ollie my post is about don’t believe everything on the  internet. I have a picture do you think this is my place?.  believe it or not this is my place but I wonder do you believe that this is my place? I don’t know cause I’m asking you.Also the fact that I’m trying to say is don’t believe everything on the internet. because this isn’t my place.So leave a coment if you believed me. I hope you leave a coment

I hope you enjoyed and learned something new .

Ollie,see you soon bye     by  Olivia.

My Writingg

Kia ora ko Olivia toku ingoua. Hello my name is Olivia I am Maori and this is my Maths. We do hard maths because we are in the highest groups.(in reading it’s ihimaira) in writing it is Adverbs.and maths it’s mastermind).and I’m in all of it.

so this is my maths  for you to see for now.                Olivia  see you soon bye. (: please read my story and leave a coment)